concord can be define as the agreement of subjects and verbs .it is also the rules guiding the usage of English can also be define as the morphological,syntaxically ,phonologically and semantically use of English Language.

      Definitions of key words 

 Morphology can be define as the study  of  formation of words in English Language,such as ;Prefix and suffix ,what is prefix and suffix ?  Prefix can be define as the addition of words,syllables or morpeme to the beginning of the root words to modify the meaning of words while suffix can be define as the addition of words,syllables or morphemes to the end of the root words to modify the meaning of words.

   Syntax.can be define as the structuring of  sentences according to different categories,such as;tenses ,parts of speech etc a very good example  is structure ,what's structure ?Structure can be define as the arrangement of sentences according to their rules .Examples:He beats the goat ,this occur because the rules say ;singular subject +singular verb .Acronimically,SS+SV.They beat the goat,this also occur because the other rule says,plural subject +plural verb that is;PS+PV .

  What is subject.

        Subject can be define as the doer or performer of an action in a sentence .Subject can be nouns or pronouns ,it can singular or plural .Examples are:Ade,kunle,this,that ,he ,she,it etc .(Singular subjects) Plural subjects are :You ,I ,we ,they Those,these ,Kunle and Ade,The Children,the women etc.

  How to identify singular verb and plural verb

 A singular verb always  carries 's' while a plural verb does not, that is;vice versa 

  •     Plural verbs          Singular verb        
  • Jump.                        Jumps                  
  • Beat                            beats
  • Sleep                           sleeps
  • Ring.                            rings
  • Has.                             have 
  • Was.                            were
  • Is.                                are 
  • Doe .                            do
  • Examples:Ade beats the goat 
  • He has eaten the food 
  • She jumps over the fence
  • They ring bell 
  • We were dancing
  • You are here in the rain


   Semantics is the study of synonyms and antonyms,ambiguity lexis and polysermy .

   Under this semantics we have a lot like:phrasal verb ,idiomatic expression ,connotation and denotation .

 Before I move on, let me define the word polysermy ,what is polysermy ?Polysermy can be define as words having more than two meanings eg:line:Assembly line ,clothe line,a drawn line ,either vertical or horizontal etc 

 Let me not leave this without touching synonyms and antonyms 

   Synonyms are words that are synonymous in meaning that is;same meaning or nearest in meaning .eg:Triggered -caused ,flabbergasted-astonished. Brouhaha-hullabaloo etc.


Phonology can be define as the study of sounds in English language .

   That is ;the study of syllables , morpheme and stress .There are three types of sounds .  They are: Monothongs ,diphthongs and tripthong. What's monothongs ?Monothongs can be define as the one pair of bowel sound,it can also be called pure bowel . There are 12monothongs ,some of them are : /I/short vowel and /I:/long vowel

   Diphthongs are two pairs of vowels .

 There are 8 diphthongs,some of them are : /eu/, /ei/ /au/ etc 

     These analysis goes uncompleted always visit this website for the updates 

      Your amiable lecturer profA1 email Contact:08116273030 


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