A Wife accuses her husband of stealing underwear

A wife accused her husband of stealing underwear

       Mapo Customary Court disunited a marriage on Wednesday of Sadia Abass and her husband Azeez .
       She said in her word that her husband wanted to use her for ritual ,she was very sick and after the sickness ,she was looking for her underwear and after three days she found it where she had combed thoroughly .
       She confronted her husband for stealing and later returned it 
        She said her husband's behaviour had exacerbate the marriage and she can no longer abide with it .
       Her husband denied the accusations also, he complained about his wife bitterly  - she doesn't take of the home ,she always nags around and come home late  .
       Mr Ademola Odunade , The President of the court in his judgment, said ,there's no love between them and he disunited the marriage .
     He further said ,the husband should give his wife #5,000 for taking responsibilities over there child every month.


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